ACCÈS IDentité is authorized to take your fingerprints and submit them electronically directly to the RCMP for processing.
The documents required for remote criminal records by fingerprinting are listed below.
Most documents can be sent by e-mail. When transmitting by regular mail, do not bend the fingerprint sheet over the prints. A fold in the paper may damage the prints and force you to repeat the procedure.
Send your documents by mail to
ACCESS IDentity 4715, des Replats avenue, Local 195, Quebec, Quebec, Canada, G2J 1B8
As soon as we receive your fingerprints, we will send you an invoice by e-mail. The request will be processed as soon as we receive payment, which can be made online. It takes between one and three weeks to receive the document. The cost of the procedure within Canada is $90 Canadian, plus applicable taxes. The cost of the procedure outside the country is $180 including delivery Canadian, plus applicable taxes.
Contact us for any additional information.
Our criminal record check by fingerprinting service is certified by the RCMP. For more information, please contact us.
Do you have any questions for us? Are you missing any of the requested documents or forms? Contact us at 450 910-1701, or by email at [email protected]
No matter the service, we have the answers!
Accès Identité Québec
4715, avenue des Replats,
Local 195,
Québec, QC,
G2J 1B8
Accès Identité Longueuil
Sur rendez-vous seulement
115 Rue Saint-Charles Ouest
Longueuil (Québec)
J4H 1C7