Do you really know the people who works at your job?

Impacts on your business

In a society where a large proportion of the population has a criminal record (+/- 15%), it is essential for a company to have a good knowledge of the employees who will represent them to their clientele. The impact of a troubled past and the presence of a criminal record could seriously damage your business and negatively affect the image you want to project with future buyers.

Identité de vos employés

avoid consulting the court ledger, as it is not complete

Do not do the ostrich! Some firms offer you a service that is available for free? Do not rely on this statement:

Your candidate Mr. X does not have any criminal record.

You know that this is a pure mirage!

That’s why ACCESS IDentité has the solution for you. Have a clear conscience by getting a much more complete and official document: a police certificate

The criminal background check and pre-employment industry is full of misrepresentations.

Ask for a certificate!

An audit across Canada

Accès IDentité will give you proof that a police check will be done. We verify police information in the only police repository that exists in Canada. All other databases, such as the Courthouse or the Government Legal Portal, give only partial and incomplete results.

Also, for a few extra dollars, we can find out if the successful candidate has charges pending in any courthouse in Canada. A practical tool to help you avoid unpleasant surprises!

Why pay for these partial, incomplete verifications?
The real cost for these services is $0. Find out more!

ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT pre-employment screening?

450 910-1701

speed and efficiency

It only takes a few hours. Try us out! We offer you the safest and fastest way to get the right, complete and true information for hiring your future employees.

Furthermore, should a problem ever occur with one of your employees within your company, your responsibility and credibility will be protected, having a supporting verification proof which is your Accès IDentité police certificate.